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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

Here you can browse forum posts, find a crew, find a yacht or just connect with other sailors to ask questions or advice. Comments and posts on this forum cannot be commercial in nature - any such posts will be removed.

General > Experience crew available for Raceweek View modes: 
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John - 25/07/2024 10:30:43 AM
Experience crew available for Raceweek

Looking for a ride for 2024. Have sailed Raceweek for past 4 years in Hamilton Island Class, mainly 40 footers. Been racing/sailing 25 years, past 14 years on my own yacht.

Regularly crew in the 2 main annual raceweeks on the West Coast. Race twice weekly out of SoPYC.
Race offshore when not racing my own yacht.

Plane tickets purchased.

John (0400 523 374)

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Brian - 27/07/2024 6:05:41 PM
RE:Experience crew available for Raceweek
Hi John,
I am racing my Swan 57 at HIRW. I also have accommodation available. If you are interested please call, 0402892812 ...Cheers, Brian