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Amanda Bridgman - (12/01/2016 11:00:45 PM)
RE:Family: before, during or after?
We are going for our 10th year in a row so we know thr drill well. The night before rest day is usually a big one with crew so flying up lay day is ideal. For the past few years on lay day theres usually a pool party in the main pool. Depending on the kids age and weather there's also a bowling alley off this area if they want to keep busy for a while whilst you have drinks around the pool with the band. Then they will only have to occupy themselves during the day on 3 days when you are sailing which is pretty easy. 2015 seemed to have a few more family oriented activities like outdoor cinema each night at 7pm. The street food stalls start at 6 and generally the kids will be happy with that. I recommend getting an apartment with kitchen. Whitsunday apartments are ok. We are changing from the hotel this year purely for that reason. Some apartments there come with a buggy, its opposite the best beach, great views and 3 pools in that area. All the water sports are there too. There are other apartments down that way a little further along which might be good for you too and lower buildings in case you worry about height with the kids. There's a regular shuttle bus too that takes you around to the Main Street. Depends on your budget. Lots stay up behind the yacht club area too but depending on kids age, there's no beach there etc. if you book an apartment with a kitchen quite a lot order Coles online from airlie beach and its delivered to the apartment. Otherwise there's a pretty good general store there anyway. Just costs a little more but not too bad. Personally the main resort drive area where reef view hotel and whitsunday and other apartments has a bit more to do. Reef view hotel pool heated. Anyone can use it and good pool side food and bar. Whitsunday apartments next door. Hope it helps. You're going to have a great time I'm sure. Amanda
= six + eight