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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

Here you can browse forum posts, find a crew, find a yacht or just connect with other sailors to ask questions or advice. Comments and posts on this forum cannot be commercial in nature - any such posts will be removed.

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The Riddler - (10/01/2016 1:54:01 PM)
Family: before, during or after?
I've been given a pass to partake in my first HIRW this year, but on the proviso that the non-sailing family tag along for a holiday before, during or after Race Week. Would welcome the views on when would be the best time for them to join me. Was thinking perhaps it might make sense for them to fly up on the rest day so they can then experience the last couple of days of Race Week activities and then we could have a few days R&R.
Is two = five ? (true/false)