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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

Here you can browse forum posts, find a crew, find a yacht or just connect with other sailors to ask questions or advice. Comments and posts on this forum cannot be commercial in nature - any such posts will be removed.

General > 4x crew looking for boat View modes: 
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Matt - 18/08/2023 8:48:02 AM
4x crew looking for boat
Our boat has taken damage on the way up and is unable to race. We are looking for a boat to crew on, happy to split up or even just be involved in one or two of the races. 24yr olds with 2+ years experience (mixed)

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Michael Goss - 21/08/2023 9:15:41 AM
RE:4x crew looking for boat
We are looking for a crew member for a trailable yacht. If interested please call Michael on 0417657108