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Hamilton Island Race Week Forum

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Race Week Forum 

Here you can browse forum posts, find a crew, find a yacht or just connect with other sailors to ask questions or advice. Comments and posts on this forum cannot be commercial in nature - any such posts will be removed.

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Thread Created by Posts Views Last post
2 crew positions available Tim
7 6556 FB
(15/03/2024 7:54:54 AM)
2 Crew Needed Saturday to help win the non spinnaker division series Toni
1 1030 Toni
(25/08/2023 3:50:13 PM)
Delivery crew to Mooloolaba or Sydney Antipodes
3 1539 Antipodes
(25/08/2023 7:59:49 AM)
Crew wanted for Friday and Saturday Antipodes
1 936 Antipodes
(24/08/2023 7:36:36 PM)
Crew Needed for Saturday Toni
1 797 Toni
(24/08/2023 6:42:14 PM)
5 3138 Toni
(23/08/2023 7:34:18 AM)
Professional skipper available for delivery Mark
1 811 Mark
(21/08/2023 8:47:22 PM)
4x crew looking for boat Matt
2 777 Michael Goss
(21/08/2023 9:15:41 AM)
Looking for boat to sail on with accom Em
5 1368 Brian
(18/08/2023 7:45:42 AM)
Crew wanted - Trailer Sailer Div Steve O
2 400 Karen
(17/08/2023 3:04:44 PM)
1 2 3 4 5 ...