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Book Accommodation



Beach Club 18yrs+, adults only qualia 16yrs+, adults only Reef View 13yrs+ Palm Bungalows 13yrs+
Reef View 3-12yrs Palm Bungalows 3-12yrs
Reef View 0-2yrs Palm Bungalows 0-2yrs



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Details at a glance

Opening hours
Bush & walking trails are open from 6.30am to 5.30pm. The trails are not staffed and do not get closed off in the evenings. We recommend you walk at a time of day that suits your level of ability.
Sights and highlights
Wide range of trails available, depending on your fitness levels, the weather conditions, and how far you want to walk.

There are no toilets on the trails, fires are prohibited, and we ask that you take all your rubbish with you. 
What to bring
Comfortable walking shoes
Drinking water
A jacket or warm clothing
Booking information
No bookings required. However, it is important to notify someone about where you are going if you are heading off on your own.
How to get there
Refer to the individual walking trails for information about where each starts and finishes. A free walking map is available at the tour desk.
The information above should be used as a guide only. Activity/tour details, prices and timings are subject to change at any time.